01. Sensors, Actuators, Pumps
RMS has very strong and long history in measurement devices and field instrumentation. There is a dedicated business unit for this business. Also RMS completes its solution with pumps, motors, and final control elements, such as valves to provide an end-to-end solution.
From inception to after-sales-services
For more info about instrumentation, refer to our Products page.

02. Industrial Communication
By partnering with Phoenix Contact, RMS can meet any communication need, whether bus, ethernet, wireless, or mobile-based.
All Protocols
ethernet & fiber optics
Industrial Wireless
03. PLC & controllers
RMS selected Phoenix Contact as the preferable PLC supplier as it combine between the German tradition of world top quality, compactness, and best price-performance ratio.
PLC Logic
Inline Controllers
Axioline Controllers
PLC Programming

04. Scada & HMI
RMS offers both web-based or client-server traditional SCADA. Due to the effectiveness of Phoenix Contact solutions, many of the SCADA solutions can be simple web applications running on the PLC directly which avoids acquiring dedicated servers, saves space and money.